"#Gemini hate when they are so excited for
something but then it ends up not happening."
"It scares everyone how much #Gemini care
about you."
"If you fall in love with a #Gemini, you will
need to have a lot of knowledge about many
topics to keep the conversation sparkling."
"#Gemini don't try to break someone else's relationship as they know there are plenty of fish for them into the sea."
"Just because you don't see tears doesn't mean #Gemini didn't cry and just because #Gemini come strong doesn't mean there is nothing wrong."
"When #Gemini cry about one thing, they end
up crying about everything that's messed up
in their life."
"Sometimes a #Gemini just wants a partner that will listen to them and not judge."
"Biggest lie #Gemini girls say : Nothing is wrong."